The benefits of back bend stretching

Incorporating this stretch into your fitness routine

Are you looking for a new way to improve your flexibility and relieve tension in your upper back? Incorporating stretching into your fitness routine is a great way to achieve this goal. While yoga is a popular choice for many, it's important to understand that not all stretches are created equal.

yoga woman stretching back

One stretch that can be particularly beneficial for the upper back is the back bend stretch. This stretch is best done lying down on your back, with a foam roller or cushion under your head and your feet planted on a bench or wall. By using your weight to lift your upper back off the floor, you will be able to relieve tension in the upper back and improve your range of motion. It's important to note that the position of your head and spine are crucial for this stretch.


If done improperly, it can cause additional injury. To ensure that you're doing the stretch safely, it's recommended to hold the stretch for only 7 to 15 minutes, and to focus on easing pain or tension rather than pushing your body to the limit. ️


Another great benefit of stretching is that it can be done in the comfort of your own home. No need to go to a yoga class, you can do this stretch in your own living room. Incorporating stretching into your fitness routine can be a great way to improve your flexibility, relieve tension and discomfort, and achieve a greater range of motion in your upper back. And with the back bend stretch, you can achieve all of these benefits in the comfort of your own home. And here you can also easily do your jump rope warm-up, which is recommended before any stretching exercise anyway.