Unleash the power of routine with the wisdom of a former boxing champion.
In the realm of training, there's a fundamental principle: never compromise. It's not just about what you need to do; it's everything you should do. Let the words of Ralph "Little Red" Lewis, former world champion boxer, resonate – training is more than a …
Simple steps to achieve solid form and avoid strength imbalances.
Achieving balanced strength between your left and right legs is crucial for overall fitness and kettlebells are an excellent tool for this. If you’ve been working with kettlebells for a while, you may have noticed that perfecting your form can be challenging. Even when your …
Practice your inner athlete with jumping rope and transform your fitness journey.
Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-improvement and unleash your inner athlete? It's time to lace up those sneakers, grab your jump rope, and get ready to jump your way to a fitter, healthier you. The path to success starts right …
A guide for avoiding common mistakes and injuries.
As a personal trainer, I often see people making the same mistakes when it comes to weightlifting. One of the most common mistakes is not maintaining proper form and positioning during exercises. This not only decreases the effectiveness of the workout, but it can also lead to injury …
Incorporating two-person session and jumping rope for optimal results.
When it comes to exercising, it's important to find the right techniques that work for you and your body. One effective option is incorporating partner exercises into your routine. Partner exercises not only provide a fun and engaging way to work out, but also offer the added …